Am I the only person who thinks spotting in football is ridiculous? It's the most ridiculous thing ever. Methinks the precision of spotting is probably around +/- 1 foot, probably, and yet, they act like it's exact (or at least within millimeters) when they break out the chains. It is comical. I really find it funny.
I totally agree. I think it's super noticeable on TV, when the refs stand nowhere near the ball and place it down. And the chains are a joke.
Because I'm a math-obsessed freak, I actually wrote a post all about this a while ago. From my calculations, when they place the ball so back on the first down line based on the chains, it could be off by more than 4.5 inches!
Yup, I laugh every time they bring out the markers.
Yes, agreed. Every time they show the ball missing a first down by like 2 inches, I laugh. But I have to believe that it "evens out" for teams over time, in a win-some lose-some sort of way. Also, now that ball placement is a challengeable call, I don't mind it quite as much.
Rebecca, you are so awesome!! love it.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's ridiculous.
The reffing this season is just generally terrible, in my opinion (in College at least).
What really gets me is the superimposed advertising on the field (the blue line brought to you by NY Life comes to mind).
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