Thursday, February 26, 2009


From Bishop Williamson, via Reuters:
I can truthfully say that I regret having made such remarks, and that if I had known beforehand the full harm and hurt to which they would give rise, especially to the Church, but also to survivors and relatives of victims of injustice under the Third Reich, I would not have made them," Williamson said, according to the website of Zenit, a Catholic news agency.

He's sorry he hurt the Church, first and foremost?  That is not an apology.  What a scumbag.  Reason # 53728341937439183473819 why I could never join the Catholic Church.  Besides the fact that I don't believe Jesus is my savior, of course.

Everything went well

The surgery went way better than anyone (including the docs) expected.  We are so thankful.

Thanks for all your support.  Regular posting, reading, and commenting will resume soon!  I miss you guys!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lots going on

Writing, working, preparing for phone interviews, and dear FIL going for serious scary surgery this week.  With the in-law family, won't be posting a lot this week.  I'm scared.  Cancer sucks.  More than Sean Hannity.

Please keep him in your thoughts.  Thanks.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sean Hannity Sucks

I basically want to kick him in the nuts.  Repeatedly.

For now, that is all.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Geeks are a different breed of people

Chat conversation with my friend:

him:  hi
me:  hi hi
him: hi hi hi
me: hi hi hi hi hi
me: that's right, i just went fibonacci on you.
him: hahahahahahahahah

TWO Phone interviews and Genderific Reactions

Well, I have TWO phone interviews at TWO different places that are not natural fits but could be exciting to move to, as I've mentioned before.  This is EXCITING!!!!!  Go me!!!!

One interview will be performed by a guy.  I did some Google Kung Fu and found that he has a Master's degree, but no PhD.  As I've discussed before on this blog, I am able to find ways to put myself down in the most ridiculous ways possible.  In this case, I am worried that I won't know something as well as he does (and seriously, who could blame me, I'm DEEP but not necessarily BROAD), and he will be like, "How can this chick have a PhizzleDizzle?  She doesn't know anything."  Somehow, I put more pressure on myself to super perform because I will be interviewed by someone with an MS.  Is that not insane?

The other interview will be performed by a female PhD.  At first I thought, "Oh, nice, a woman."  But then I thought, "Oh shit, a woman."  Because sometimes women can be so hard on other women, particularly in fields where there aren't a lot of women.  Maybe she will think I will make women like her look bad if I say something stupid.  I don't know.  I've experienced this sort of woman-on-woman treatment before, and even been a perpetrator myself at times (to my chagrin).  Maybe she will be a hard-ass.  Maybe she will hold me to a super-high standard because she thinks in order to succeed as a woman in my field, you have to kick way more ass than a dude.  

Maybe, maybe, maybe.  Basically, I am thinking of ways to make myself nervous.  And it alarms me that I had a negative gender response in this case.  Actually, I had a positive, and a negative response, in rapid succession.  I don't know.  

Just tell me to stop overthinking and wish me luck.  

Monday, February 16, 2009

Year of the Ox Progress: Weeks 2/3

I realized I didn't update last week, so I guess this week will be a two-fer.

1) Write Thesis by June 1: I'm pretty behind on Chp. 2, but I've written 816 words so far.  I have some citations to collect as well, but the progress has been slow, but at least no totally 0.

2) Run 10 miles/week: I might have to change this to doing regular exercise.  I'm not feeling the running.  In week 2, I went for a swim, and swam 1000 yds.  I know this is peanuts to Eugenie, but I am reasonably proud of the fact that I could just hop into the pool after forever and just knock out 1K.  In week 2, I also tried a yoga class, which I liked, and repeated in week 3.  I am totally sore from yoga.  I'm going to be jacked!

3) 30 pushups continuously: My yoga class does a crapton of high planks.  I think this will help with the pushups.

4) Do a pullup: Nothing here.  I should just make this one of the things I work on when I wake up in the morning.

5) Update Wardrobe to be grownup :): I haven't worn a baby tee in months.  This is a moral victory.

Our Valentine's Day

Disgruntled Julie at EthidiumBromide posted about her Valentine's with her hubby, which inspired me to do the same.  She talked about how people were horrified that she was unable to spend Valentine's Day with her husband, more so than she was, and how she thinks of it more as a day about love for your friends than with your SO.

I've always thought the hullaballoo over Valentine's Day was somewhat insane.  Really insane.  Yes, it's a special day to express your love for your SO, but it's become so fraught with extra crap, and people use what happens on Valentine's Day to measure the value of the relationship.  To that I say, I measure the value of *my* relationship based on a weighted history of quality of days going back about a year.  Seriously, doesn't it matter more what a man does for you on the other 364 days of the year than on one arbitrary day?

So I thought I'd just share with you a few things about our V-day.

On Friday, Feb. 13, Mr. Phizz and I are watching TV on the couch in the evening, just chillin'.  A commercial for Walgreen's comes on, advertising that it has all your needs for Valentine's Day. 

My dear Mr. Phizz turns to me and says, "Honey, what do you want to do for Valentine's Day?" 

I shrug.  

Mr. Phizz: "Tell you what, I'll get you anything you want from Walgreen's......on Sunday (day after V-day)."

At that, we laughed and laughed.  He's so funny.  I told him I wanted a big, heart-shaped Whitman's sampler of chocolate.

Then on V-day, we had no plans.  When it became dinner time, it turned out that neither of us felt like cooking and plus we had 2/3 of the ingredients required to make anything anyway, so we decided to go to TGI Friday's.  When we walked in, we felt a little funny - we're not normally Friday's patrons, and the place was packed with lovestruck teenagers.  Suddenly, we're feeling silly.

Fortunately, we got seated in the bar area, where everyone was at least 21, so no shouting, screaming, flirting teenagers were nearby.  We had a nice low-key dinner, and Fridays was giving away free cake for people who ordered 2 entrees, so we split a lovely piece of cake.  With cream cheese frosting, probably my favorite.

All in all, it was super low key.  I love him, he loves me.  And yes, we did have a good Valentine's Day :).

Friday, February 13, 2009

Job Nibbles

So, I had decided long ago not to try for academia at this point in my career.  If I could do a postdoc, I would, but there are few opportunities for that in my field.  I'm generally just not ready.

So, industry it is.  As I've mentioned before, the job market is terrible right now.  So I've had to branch out some in my search, to places where I hadn't expected to look and/or aren't exactly right up my alley.  And some of them are nibbling, because they're in industries not hurting as badly as my "home" industry.

On the one hand, I feel so frustrated because these are not research jobs.  These are not jobs I've spent years in graduate school to do.  These are "beneath" me, so to speak.  At least, the me of a year ago would have thought so.  However, all the natural job fits for me right now are totally frozen solid. What does that say about my potential industry?  I don't know.  I am sure it will thaw, and everyone assures me it will thaw, but when....??

On the other hand, these other possibilities are potentially exciting jobs, in a different area of expertise than I have and an opportunity to try something new.  They are probably faster-paced, and way closer to product.  They are quite a departure from what I know, and this might be the perfect time to try something else on for size.  The academic snob in me inherently thinks the farther from end user you are, the cooler, because that implies larger scope/range/research possibilities.  Another part of me says, "but this might be the hot place to be!  And what you do here could potentially have a lot more impact!!"

So....I'm at odds with myself.  But I have a few nibbles from these other jobs, phone reach-outs so far, and I have a lot of preparation to do before things move to the next level, because, as I've said, these are not areas in which I am an expert in.  These jobs will rely a lot more on my practical knowledge than my ability to analyze, theorize, and wonder about far-off things...But you know, beggars can't be choosers.

Sigh/kinda exciting, depending on my mood.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fuck fuck fuck!!!

Hiring is "frozen solid" like fucking everywhere.

Fuck me with a chainsaw.  

Monday, February 9, 2009

Women, Tokenism, Profits, and Corporate Boardrooms

Recently, a few articles came to my attention which I find extremely interesting.

The first described a study done by McKinsey in Europe that showed that corporations with women on their board of directors tended to make more money than companies that didn't.  Not only that, but the MORE women there were, the MORE profitable the corporation was.  Those companies also tended to score higher in metrics of "organizational excellence."

At the same time, the article also described a study done on US Fortune 500 companies which showed that companies with the highest proportion of female directors were more profitable and efficient.  This, to me, is fascinating.  You'd think, in this age of greed, that companies would be scrambling to put women at the top because of this.

But the more interesting thing is this, and I'll quote:

A sole woman on a board often feels marginalised, according to research reported in Harvard Business Review last December. The appointment of a second woman can help reduce this isolation but can also create difficulties: two women may have to be careful not to be seen as “conspiring”, said researchers Alison Konrad and Vicki Kramer, who interviewed 50 women directors, 12 chief executives and seven corporate secretaries at Fortune 1000 companies.

A “clear shift” occurs when there are three or more women, they found. The women tend to be seen just as directors, rather than female directors, the boardroom dynamic becomes more collaborative and the discussions richer and more informative.
I think this has implications for academia and science too.  This means that a department can't trumpet their commitment to diversity, and then hire The Woman, and perhaps even The Black Man.  Tokenism doesn't help all that much.  What really matters is getting to a critical mass such that the minority person ceases to be The Minority Representation and is just a member of the group.

At the same time, we can't forget that the quality of women matters.  Obviously, you can't just pick random women and put them in corporate boardrooms and expect to make higher profits.  The CEO of Lloyd's bank in the UK runs a bank with half female directors, but emphasizes that those ladies were the best for the job.  As he says, "I think it has to do more with the quality of the women than the fact that they are women."

Clearly, from this CEO's perspective, there is no dearth of female talent with which to fill his board.  But why haven't other companies placed talented women into positions of leadership?

Well, that question became moot in Norway, where a few years ago the government MANDATED that all companies have 40% female directors, or face closure. At the time, there was a big hullaballoo, but the reason given was that putting women on boards was not fast enough, and that "for a woman to get in, a man must get out.  It is not difficult to find qualified women." (citation)

So the other interesting article was a followup on this Norwegian experiment, which at the time yielded predictions of the collapse of the economy.  Well, it turns out that hasn't happened.  The article doesn't actually give numbers, but female members of boards have increased very dramatically, but the nation has managed to keep its yearly budget surplus despite the infusion of female talent.  They have even inspired Spain to consider the idea.

The man who pushed through this law, Ansgar Gabrielsen, says his motivation was just that it was supposed to be good for business (citing the first article), and that it seems pointless to educate girls only to not utilize them at the top.  He also says he's not a feminist (which he says is probably partly the reason it got through).

Anyway, when is this research (done on US companies) going to change the way US companies are run?  Or perhaps trickle into other aspects of life (like science and academia)?

One can only hope.

damn it!!!

The Phizz was all ready to throw out some serious work today, when she got to her office only to realize she had forgotten her laptop charger. So I have 1:25 before I gotta leave and find a place where I can get some juice. i.e. go home. Damn it!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Diversity in Science Carnival - Black History Month

DNLee at Urban Science Adventures has started a new Carnival celebrating Diversity in Science. Since it's Black History Month, the goal is to celebrate black pioneers and innovators in STEM.

I really want to participate because, for selfish reasons as well as altruistic ones, I think it's very important to expose the diverse sources of innovation in our fields. Even if a field isn't very diverse (mine isn't), it's a great service to EXPOSE those who have made it, in order to inspire those below. (In case you haven't figured, I'm a big proponent of the Role Model Approach to achieving diversity in the sciences).

So, I went to Google and typed, "Black Computer Scientists". This is what I found:

Click me.

A page devoted to black computer scientists of the African Diaspora. For ALL of computer science. Can you believe this astonishing fact, that fewer than 0.25% of CS-ers are black? It's horrifying. I don't know how up to date the page is, but there are really not a lot of people on that list. I do know that I have met very very very few black CS-ers in my journey through graduate school. I may come across VERY FEW WOMEN, but I come across EVEN FEWER black people, and I think this is a crime. I can count the number of women, black people, and hispanic people to get a PhD in my area at my Uni. in the years I've been there on one hand. Oh wait, on 1 finger. Yeah. One. Measly. Fucking. Finger.

So, I want to do my part and tell the blogosphere about a black innovator in Computer Science.

Like everyone knows, I'm a Computer Scientist. This does not make me a computer expert, but I do keep up. So one of the coolest computers on the market today is the Sun Niagara. This thing is crazy. You can't buy one for yourself, it's meant for servers and not PCs, but it's one of the coolest pieces of hardware out there.

The Sun Niagara is the brainchild of Kunle Olukoton, a professor at Stanford University. He is one of the innovators of the Chip Multiprocessing Era. Remember when Intel stopped pushing Gigahertz and started pushing number of cores? That's when the real shift to chip multiprocessing began, and Dr. Olukoton was right there at the cutting edge. Starting from a research project at Stanford, he founded a company to build a server-class chip multiprocessing platform, which was later bought by Sun Microsystems. These days, the latest Niagara can run 64 threads of execution AT THE SAME TIME. That's crazy. That's awesome. That might not mean anything to you, but for a geek like me, that's just cool.

And that's all folks. I betcha didn't know that a black man was the driving force for one of the coolest pieces of computing hardware today. But now you do.

I am my own worst enemy right now

Someone rip my head off and tell me to work harder.

In the meanwhile, I will grace you with this HILARIOUS VIDEO.

I am not joking. This will blow your mind. This kid went to the dentist and had oral surgery, so he's kinda loopy. His dad got it all on tape - and it's awesome.


I noticed you had Adam Sevani in your first music video, and I thought I'd blow your mind with this. Plus, you mentioned you're bored. Seriously. Watch this.

Adam Sevani is badass. My sister says she'd do him in a minute.

I *heart* Mr. PD

That is all.

I think I am going to go jump his bones right now.


May everyone be so lucky as I am.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Interview Meme

There's an interview meme going around which I got from Ambivalent Academic. I knew she would ask me some interesting questions, and she sure did! The rules are below.

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me" AND leave your email address (or blog link) in the comment! I will interview the first three commenters to ask for it. I's got shiz to do peeps :).
2. I will respond by emailing you (or commenting on your blog with) five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions. (If you don't have a blog, I can post your answers here).
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

AA: Do you have a defining event that inspired you to go into Computer Science? What sparked your passion?

PD: I really didn't have a defining moment. I decided to become an engineer largely because my father is an engineer, and being the child of immigrants, choosing engineering is always a good choice. On the first day of my required classes, I realized that I liked the subject matter. I remember thinking, "This must be genetic" because I don't think it's quite normal to like the stuff I was learning, but thanks Dad! But definitely, I wasn't inspired from childhood to always do this. I couldn't code worth a damn when I started college, and I still wouldn't say I am a code ninja. However, one day I took Intro to Subfield, and I realized that, for the first time at Ivy U, I just "got it." I didn't have to study. I could think very well at the level of abstraction the course dealt with. It just made sense. So, from there, I just stuck with it. And I still like it, and it still makes sense. It's cool shit.

AA: How did you meet Mr. PhizzleDizzle? How did you know he was The One?

PD: I met Mr. PhizzleDizzle in college. We were in the same major. I thought he was a biiiiig dork, and I never ever ever would have conceived that we would eventually marry. But we were study buddies every now and then, and we were friends. You know, those guys who are sweet, and dorky, and harmless such that you can be good friends? That's what we were. Sweet, harmless, Mr. Phizzle. Then one semester we were lab partners for a very time intensive course. We spent a crapton of time together, and by the end, we figured something was up, and began dating. Awwwww, geek love.

As for knowing that he was The One, I don't believe in The One. I think the idea of "The One" is crime against human happiness. I do, however, I do believe we have a fantastically good relationship. I posted about my "selection" of Mr. Phizzle once here, you can check it out for details.

I suppose another way to think about this part of the question is "when did I decide he was right to marry?" That came....probably a few days after I accepted his marriage proposal. His proposal was a surprise. A. Total. Surprise. So, since we had been together for years, I accepted, and then as I thought about it....I realized that marrying him would probably be the smartest thing I could do with my life. He's smart, he's responsible, he would always take good care of me, he respects me, and I love him. He was good for me. And I was good for him. And we are good together. Now that we've been married a while, I know -- marrying him *was* the smartest move I've made thus far in my life.

AA: If you couldn't be a computer scientist (say that computers disappeared from the earth tomorrow), what else would you do with your self/time/career?

PD: Sometimes, I have nightmares that the world will go apocalyptic and suddenly, everything I am good for will be gone. So, let's hope computers don't disappear tomorrow! However, if I were to do something else with my I really don't know. I've always been very much a Renaissance person -- I'm kinda mediocre at and kinda like a ton of stuff. I'd read a lot of books. I used to wish my parents were rich and that they could buy me a room by the sea filled with books, and I'd just sit, read, and think, all day long for the rest of my life. Or I could take pictures. I like photography. I like arranging photographs into scrapbooks and such, though I haven't physically done so lately. I'd like to become an amazing cook. I'm not half bad now, but if I really had time I'd really get into that. Or I'd be a historian, anthropologist, or sociologist. I've always been very fascinated by people - in a macro scale though. I'm not quite as intellectually interested in individuals, only groups. Gosh, this has really been a useless, all over the place answer. I suppose that means I really don't know what I would do otherwise - which might be a good thing. If I had an answer at the ready for something else to do, would that imply that I am unhappy (or at least kind of dissatisfied) with what I am doing now?

AA: What was the most outrageous thing that you wanted to be/do/have when you were a child?

PD: Honestly, I have no idea. "be/do/have"....that's pretty broad, but really, I do not remember. Probably that my sister would disappear (she was such a brat back then!). Oh, or that I could be Evie Garland. I don't think I had any real career aspirations as a kid, anything that lasted at least. I was just a kid being a kid, didn't think about the future too much :).

AA: How do you imagine yourself 30-40 years from now?

PD: Wow. Um.....I think I imagine myself like my parents live now. Financially stable, happy, grown children, tons of friends, and lots of parties. I imagine that I'll be satisfied with what I've accomplished in life, as in love with Mr. Phizzle as ever, and happy and amiable in our companionship. I'll run half marathons, and I'll be hip, fit, and awesome.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bridge Over Troubled Water

It seems JLK is on a music kick and tagged me with this music meme. Enjoy!

a) Put your MP3 player, iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle
b) For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
d) Tag at least 5 people
e) Everyone tagged has to do the same thing (no they don't, actually)
f) Have Fun! (Step f is not required)

"The Way You Love Me" by Faith Hill

"What's the Frequency, Kenneth?" by REM

"Doesn't Really Matter" by Janet Jackson (um, yes, it matters :))

"Kush" by Lil Wayne

"The Celts" by Enya

"If I Could Go" by Angie Martinez

"Cowboy Hat" by Nickelback

"What's My Age Again" by Blink 182 (actually, they think I act my age)

"Always Be My Baby" by Mariah Carey

10. WHAT IS 2 + 2?
"Always" by U2

"In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel

"The Fox" by Nickel Creek. Cuz yup, I'm a fox :).

"Hommage a Rameau" - classical piano piece by Claude Debussy, performed by Phillippe Entremont

"Country Grammar" by Nelly

15. WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? (A little late for that, but oh well)
"Faith" by Limp Bizkit (haha!)

"Devil Went Down to Georgia" by Charlie Daniel's Band (YESSSS!!!!!)

"If God Will Send His Angels" by U2

"So Much To Say" by Dave Matthews Band. (Heh.)

"What More Can I Say" by Jay-Z and DJ Danger Mouse

"Imagine" by John Lennon. (Hmm....appropriate.)

"Pride (In the Name of Love)" by U2. Yes, I am proud of my friends.

"Bridge Over Troubled Water" by Simon and Garfunkel.

I'm tagging:

Mrs. Comet Hunter
Disgruntled Julie

A gratuitously cute photo of my dog.

I miss her today. She's with my parents in Far Away State.

CS Problems of Interest: Natural Language Processing

Recently I wrote this post about the basics of what computer science field means. I thought I'd follow up with a regular bit on some of the more interesting problems in the field. Again, for the edification of my readers. Note that this should not in any way be meant as clues as to who I am. I will probably end up writing about a wide variety of stuff.

So today's topic is Natural Language Processing. This falls under the major subfield of Artificial Intelligence and is highly related to Linguistics.

So, anyway here are two major parts to NLP, in my opinion. There is language acquisition, and language translation. I'll start briefly with acquisition.

One of the basic problems with most AI subfields is that we don't know exactly how a brain works, or at least we cannot build an electronic brain that functions like a human brain. If we could, we could just teach it language the way we teach children language, and it would just pick it up, like a human. But obviously, we can't do that right now. So we have to eliminate this approach and go with something a bit more brute force. There is a spectrum of the chosen approach -- starting from total brute force (i.e. many, many, many rules for every instance) to very general (i.e. just general rules). The more general, the more potential for the machine to learn more than you tell it exactly.

For example, here is an example of a brute force style rule:

"She sat." is a sentence.

Is that a good rule? You could probably reasonably code up a REALLY simple bot that knows some language by brute forcing a bunch of sentences into the general vocabulary of the bot, but that wouldn't be very helpful would it? To get the bot to the point of having any conversational ability would take many, many, many rules, and it would probably have to think for 20sec before saying anything because of the number of rules it would have to go through. And you could never pick anything new up that wasn't an explicit rule.

Here is a "middle" rule:

Sentences are of the form "subject verb".

This might be slightly more useful, in that it's more general (though still very specific). You could probably have a lot fewer of these to get to a similar level of language acquisition as using the previous style of rules, which could allow a bot to learn more sentences than just the ones you tell it exactly. This also brings in some semblance of Linguistics, which as I mentioned is very related to the field. This way, the "chunks" a bot learns will be known also by their parts of speech, which would be useful for novel sentence comprehension.

Finally, the state of the art involves lots more crazy rules, involving lots more linguistical knowledge, and have a lot more generalities. There is also a lot of statistical analysis involved a la Markov chains and such. A Markov chain basically is a chain of states where the present state is dependent on past states. Here's how you can utilize this for language.

If I begin a sentence with "Insofar" - what do you think the probability my next word will be "as"? What about "banana"? A bot could totally learn and generate new probabilities for its chain as it encounters more and more sentences. This is the other end of the spectrum - a highly general structure by which a bot can learn a lot more than exactly what you tell it, and is pretty likely to be ok.

In my mind, until we know how to either generalize language, or mimic a brain, this is a tough, tough problem to completely "finish."

A highly related but different subfield of NLP is Automatic Machine Translation.

Step back and imagine that you are trying to build a universal translator a la Hitchhiker's Guide or Star Trek. If you forget for the moment that you have to actually *build* the thing, think about how you are going to run the translation engine. Can language be *generalized* to the extent that you can code some rules into a piece of computational machinery and it will always be able to translater, based on those rules between any two languages?

My guess is no. Though all human languages share a lot of traits, to the point that automatic translators can do an OK job, it is pretty tough to totally generalize. At the same time, there were those episodes in Star Trek where the translators didn't work for a particular alien race because the language was so dependent on local metaphor that the translator couldn't handle it. Those Star Trek writers knew their geek. Local metaphor is TOO SPECIFIC to be generalized, just as local slang can be. If I asked Babelfish to translate "off the heezy" for me, you can be sure it would be very, very, very confused unless I happened to be punching into Urban Babelfish with special rules for American Slang or something.

Another difficulty lies in language structure, not just complexities like slang. Example, in English:

"He went." vs. "He goes."

The difference in tense is presented by the alteration of the verb form.

In Chinese, however (I'll do romanized spellings):

"Ta qu le." vs. "Ta qu."

The difference in tense is presented by an extra word modifier! This can be very confusing for an automatic translator. I think the technology these days requires a specific translator with specific rules for two specific languages because of strangeness like this. There are other languages where important tense modifiers come many words later in a sentence - which can be very confusing to generalize in terms of translation.

So there is creeping progress in this area of research, but I still think until we can build a humanoid electronic brain, this will involve a lot of complexity and detail without getting even close to "all the way there." However, it is still very fascinating to consider how to come up with general rules to characterize language and be able to TEST those rules via translation tests. Very cool.

Anyway, that's my bit on NLP in CS.

Enjoy, dear readers :).

DR. Jill Biden

My friend sent me this article the other day about Dr. Jill Biden, and how she is probably the first Second Lady to hold a paying job while her husband is Vice President. That's kind of cool.

The other thing is that she holds a PhD and now all official White House business refers to her with the honorific of "Dr.".

The article makes *brief* mention of how asking to be called Dr. when you hold a PhD and not an MD can be considered a bit stuffy or pompous.

I don't know about you, but I plan on being pompous when I am through :).

Year of the Ox - Week #1

1) Write Thesis by June 1: I finished my first draft of Chapter 1!!! And I've begun Chapter 2, which will

2) Run 10 miles/week: Pathetic. I didn't do anything.

3) 30 pushups continuously: Ditto. Too consumed with Ch. 1, and then the Super Bowl.

4) Do a pullup: Can I just call this a practice week?

5) Update Wardrobe to be grownup :): I'm not made of money, so nothing here. This will be sporadic anyway.

Basically, I sucked total balls last week. BAAAAAD PHIZZLE.

Monday, February 2, 2009

In which I declare Rush Limbaugh to be a DOUCHEBAG

Read this.

It makes the Republican Party even more pathetic in my eyes than it was before. Which is saying a lot.

But seriously - I do have *some* conservative ideals, however, it is my opinion that the best of those ideals have been totally hijacked and bastardized by the GOP. Personal responsibility doesn't mean shit to the GOP (unless you're poor - then you're responsible, not only for your own actions, but for being poor). Neither does fiscal conservatism (though in times like now, I do believe in spending from the top to spur the movement of money through the economy).

Bottom line: The Republican Party sucks, is pathetic, and Rush Limbaugh is the scum of the earth. It does my heart good to see them floundering as they are, and to see them groveling at the knees of someone so disgusting as Limbaugh. That's a losing team right there, and they can't even get that through their thick heads. Yes, the 20-some% of people who STILL think Bush did a good job might love you, that isn't a good political strategy.

But don't mind me. Carry on, GOP. Carry on.